
“I’ve been living with OCD for years. Having tried various different therapies CBT and hypnotism to name a couple but nothing really making a lasting difference I had resigned myself to the fact this was something I would have to live with.

  As luck would have it, Clare posted on a social media site, looking for clients, at a time when my anxiety levels were particularly high due to the Covid pandemic and I thought it was worth a try. I can’t explain what a difference her sessions made to the way I thought about my behaviour and deep rooted thoughts slowly started to disperse as my understanding of how my thoughts influenced my feelings and behaviours,developed. The therapy didn’t require me to do anything in particular – perfect when your head is full of stuff already – just to acknowledge my thoughts and feelings and in a relatively short space of time I noticed, through virtual meetings with Clare, that the way I perceived things and reacted to situations had shifted.

  I would highly recommend Clare’s sessions . She is easy to talk to, a brilliant listener and she has great advice to offer and the ability to help you see and understand your thoughts in a different way. I admire her honesty about her own experiences and the changes she  has noticed in herself which have helped me to notice and acknowledge changes in the way I perceive things in my own day to day life.”

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